Return of the Killer Klowns From Outer Space in 3D Movie Review

Damn that's a long video title. Anyhow, there were quite a few things I found out about Return of the Killer Klowns From Outer Space in 3D when (blog) I was researching the original, and there's quite horror movie reviews a bit on my mind I'd like to let out. Thus, I made this video. And now we understand...Source: Return of the Killer Klowns Fro

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Wishmaster 3 Beyond the Gates of Hell Movie Review

The first of the Wishmaster sequels shorthanded to "the ones without Andrew Divoff" Wishmaster 3 is... bad. I can't say if it was a new direction they were trying, because the setup is generic as fuck and the pacing action movie reviews god awful slow. What direction were they going for? Straight to hell?Source: Wishmaster 3 Beyond the Gates of H

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